What you need to know!


It is fairly straightforward taking on this duty. It requires a small amount of administration, some basic computer skills and some basic common sense. Here is a summary of the role.

• Your role will be to support the coach (and act as a “buffer” between said coach and parents)

• You will need to maintain some basic records such as team contact details, singlet numbers and team/vjbl calendars.
• You will be asked to disseminate information from the club to the team members.
• You will collect money from the parents for mid week training, tournament and sundry expenses. (Just a tip – Many team managers share this role with another parent)
• As the team manager, you will be responsible for filling in the team sheet on game night and looking after the team bag which contains the first aid kit, team ball and blood singlet. You will also need to organize a scoring roster of 2 parents per game.
• You will be responsible for liaising with the coach to ascertain which tournaments your team will enter.
• You will help your team participate in fund raising activities during the year.

We certainly hope you consider taking on this role. The majority of our volunteers find it to be a rewarding experience! You will be well supported by the Club and there is a Team Manager coordinator who will send weekly email updates and can be easily contacted by phone or email to help answer any queries. Several meetings are also held during the season for relevant updates.

Please note, if you do take on the role of Team Manager, you will be asked to supply or apply for a Working With Children Card.

•  We do rely on you to be the conduit between the coach and the parents of your team.

• You will need to keep a detailed contact list. This will contain player names, singlet numbers, parent contact details, mobile numbers and addresses. PLEASE CHECK WITH EVERY PARENT REGARDING PRIVACY BEFORE MAKING THIS AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE. Never presume it’s okay! Once parents have these details, ask them to add them to their phone. It’s handy if someone is running late (or gets lost going to a game etc.,)

• As team manager, you should keep a copy of your team list in singlet number order in your phone so you have it as a quick reference at all times. (For any information regarding singlets and uniforms, please refer your parents to the uniform shop)

• Please make sure you communicate with your team on a regular basis. This could be a weekly email, text or as mentioned before, use of TEAM App or something similar. The club will also supply you with regular communication updates. Please make sure that these are distributed in a timely fashion.

• Mid-week training venues will usually be organized by the club itself but once you know where you are training, payment for the courts will become your responsibility. The mid-week training coordinator will send you the finance details and you may in fact be sharing with another team in which case you would co-ordinate payment with them. It is your responsibility to collect money from the parents for these charges. Every team is different but we would suggest you ask you parents fairly early in the piece for at least $200 to get the kitty rolling. You can ask another parent to take on this financial role if it’s easier. Regardless of who handles the money, it is a good idea to set up a bank account or at the very least, have a receipt book if parents pay you in cash. The finances should be accountable at any time.

• Collect money from parents regularly to keep the team kitty fluid for the duration of the season. Expenses that are required to be covered by the team throughout the season include: tournament entry & expenses (accommodation for coaches etc., when participating in country or interstate tournaments), mid-week court hire, weekly scoresheet charges, coaches gifts at the end of the season, end of year break-up etc.

• Team Managers will in most cases be responsible for entering their team, registering players and paying tournament entry costs. Tournaments during the year include, Geelong, Southern Peninsula, Shepparton, Eltham/Dandenong, Whittlesea and Nunawading. Melbourne Tigers covers the entry and payment for Eltham/Dandenong. The Classic/Invitational Tournament is initially done through the club, but your team would be expected to reimburse the cost of entering. When a tournament is held in Country Vic or interstate (e.g.: Shepparton, Adelaide) the TM is responsible for assisting with accommodation bookings for the team and coaches. It is preferable for teams to stay together at the same hotel. The team is responsible for covering the accommodation costs of coaches.

• On team night you will need to fill in the player names on the score sheet at the games in singlet number order. You will need to bring the team bag with you. That will contain the team ball, the first aid kit and if needed, the blood singlet. If you can’t be at a game, make sure you have another person who has the team list in singlet order so they can fill in the names and ask that they be responsible for the bag and sheet fee on that particular night.

• Ensure when you are completing the scoresheet that the coach and assistant coach’s names are also completed. The VJBL will fine any teams who have not completed this section of the scoresheet. However if a team does not have an assistant coach please put a line through the box to indicate no AC, but the coaches name must be filled in. It is also important to only name the team coach and assistant coach who are VJBL registered. Should you have a fill-in coach please check with the club that this person is VJBL compliant and able to be filled in on the scoresheet. Under 12 & U14 coaches must have completed a NO ZONE CLINIC before they can be registered and therefore listed on the sheet.

• You will also need to provide 2 scorers per match. The club will conduct a scoring workshop shortly after the teams are announced. EVERY PARENT IS EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE IN SCORING (coaches/team managers are generally exempt). The home team (listed first on the fixture) is required to operate the clock & the away team is required to complete the scoresheet.

Let us know if you are interested
