Dear Melbourne Tigers Junior Girls Club Community,

It’s time to officially close off the season that was.

The club wants to thank everyone for their patience and perseverance over the past 6 months. We know it’s been a frustrating time and that everyone is disappointed that our athletes did not get to play basketball, complete the VJBL season and enjoy time with their teammates.

Despite the events, the season did get off to a great start with all teams coming together quickly, playing some terrific basketball across the tournaments and grading phases. This resulted in a number of teams qualifying for higher grades than originally expected.

The club also had a record number of athletes selected to the Basketball Victoria High Performance programs, SDP, SCC & ECC.

We would like to thank all of the Coaches and Team Managers for the wonderful work they have done over this period to keep their teams together, engaged and active. Particular thanks to our dedicated coaches that continued to conduct on-line training sessions with their teams. It’s been an inspiring community club effort.

On Wednesday night we fare welled our Under 18 Graduating class of 2020 in our 1st ever Online event. We wish those athletes well and look forward to seeing them play in our Under 21’s and Youth League teams in 2021.

It’s now time to look towards the 2021 season. Plans are currently being revised for what next season may look like. All plans are contingent on what the Victorian Government permits for the return of activities for Indoor Team Sport. As restrictions ease and the permissions open up at each stage, the club will advise what activities can be permitted.

Over the next week, the club will communicate who the coaches are for each team next season. We will also open up a registration process and advise on how the team selections will be carried out. It is highly likely that we won’t conduct a ‘normal’ tryout process, given the challenges of Covid-19.

We want to reassure every player in the Melbourne Tigers, that if you played last season, 2019/20 and you want to continue playing next season, 2021, the club will do its best to place you in a team, as long as you are up to date financially. We will also guarantee that you will have priority in being selected in an appropriate team, if in competition with new athletes from other associations. We will recognise loyalty and do everything to keep our Tiger athletes playing in a Tiger team.

We want to thank everyone and look forward to seeing our athletes back on court as soon as possible. Please look out for the information regarding registrations for 2020/2021.

Kind regards

Tony Jackson