Keeping Active While In Lockdown

Stage 4 lockdown is making it difficult for our athletes to keep active! Victoria University is offering some online fitness classes via zoom for free. Please see the below information about classes and session times for something different the girls might like to try.

Victoria University Sport offers the following group exercise classes online LIVE on Zoom;
• Boxing,
• Self myofascial release- SMR (Foam Rolling),
• Spin,
• Yoga
• and Zumba
Sessions go for 60min (except for the SMR recovery 30min and Spin 45min), and will run Monday-Saturday with a pre-recorded session posted on Facebook Saturday morning for you to do anytime on your weekend.

To join for FREE please sign up via the link below. You will receive a weekly email with all the session links in it.

REGISTER NOW via this link or copy and paste